Thursday, May 7, 2009

from a list my dad sent me...most likely NY Times

OUT Premade pie crusts. O.K., these are a real convenience, but almost all use inferior fats. I’d rather make a “pie” or quiche with no crust than use these.

IN Crumble graham crackers with melted butter and press into a pan. But really — if you put a pinch of salt, a cup of flour, a stick of very cold, cut-up butter in a food processor, then blend with a touch of water until it almost comes together — you have a dough you can refrigerate or freeze and roll out whenever you want, in five minutes.

CANNED COCONUT MILK Try this: cook some onions in oil with curry powder; stir in coconut milk; poach chicken, fish, tofu, or even meat in that. Serve over rice.

MISO PASTE Never goes bad, as far as I can tell, and its flavor is incomparable. Whisk into boiling water for real soup in three minutes; thin a bit (with sake if you have it), and smear on meat or fish that’s almost done broiling; add a spoonful to vinaigrette. Etc.

Posted via email from Stephanie Posterizes The Cloud

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taste Buddies!

Join the TastebudsNYC team!

TastebudsNYC is expanding to do even more great events and fun food adventures! If you'd like to join our team and help us achieve our mission of creating a community for foodies, please respond by May 20th with the following: 1) a little about yourself 2) your interest in food 3) projects that interest you 4) anything else you'd like me to know.

"The Connection between Food and Lifestyle" workshop with holistic health counselor Erica Mather
You've heard it before-"you are what you eat," and, "junk in, junk out." These are examples of adages that express knowledge so many Americans have lost touch with: that there is a direct connection between what and how you eat, and how you feel, think, and behave. Here in this 90-minute workshop we will explore these relationships. If you're interested in learning more about the food-mood connection, how we burden food with the responsibilities of other area of our lives, and getting some new tips on how to elevate your eating habits (or gain ammunition to educate those around you!) this workshop will prove satisfying. Also, attendees will receive a special offer for a steeply discounted holistic health initial session with Erica.

Date: Wednesday, June 17th, 6:30 PM
Location: Jena Wellness Center, 1133 Broadway, Suite 1107 (26th Street)
Cost: $15
RSVP required. Please email

Sunday, May 3, 2009

a long letter from Food Democracy Now.

Food Democracy Now!

The First 100 Days - Thank YOU! Together WE Made History!

Here at Food Democracy Now!, we’d like to thank everyone who signed the original petition and helped make Sustainable Change at the USDA possible. So far more than 94,000 Americans have signed up at Food Democracy Now! to send a unified voice that America must create a truly sustainable food system for the 21st century.

Because of your remarkable involvement, for the first time in our nation’s history we have a Secretary of Agriculture, former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack, speaking about the importance of organics, local foods and nutritious school lunches.

Not only does Secretary Vilsack speak about these important issues, he understands the role that sustainable practices will have in helping family farmers meet the challenges of 21st century agriculture. With looming water and energy shortages and the possibility of feeding a world population estimated to reach 9 billion by 2050, the only logical solution that our nation can embrace is sustainability.

Fortunately, this Administration has allowed the voice of reason back into the USDA.

With the naming of Kathleen Merrigan as Deputy Secretary, President Obama has heard the voice of the people. Not only was Deputy Secretary Merrigan one of our Sustainable Dozen, but she has also had a long and distinguished career in guiding positive change in agriculture, crafting the national organic standards and serving as the director of the Agriculture, Food and Environment Program at Tufts University. We are encouraged by her depth of knowledge and experience and committment to increasing opportunities for farmers. 

During the cold winter months of December, January and February, when many thought that the future of agriculture was going to continue down the same old trodden path, members of the sustainable ag, farm and food community rallied at Food Democracy Now! to call for significant changes in U.S. agricultural policies that would benefit independent family farmers, protect the environment and return the right of safe and healthy food to America’s citizens

Because of your united efforts we have gained some significant changes at the USDA and beyond. Not only was Merrigan named as the USDA Deputy Secretary, but Iowa native Doug O’Brien, also a member of the Sustainable Dozen, was chosen to serve as Merrigan’s Chief of Staff.

In addition, another member of the Sustainable Dozen, Drake University professor Neil Hamilton, a fellow Iowan, was named as an informal advisor to Secretary Vilsack.

While we’d love to take credit for their selection, really it's a testament to your commitment in helping create an atmosphere where more sustainable choices were encouraged at the USDA. By coming together and presenting a united voice to the Administration, our community has shown what we can do when we work together towards a common goal.

Changing the Future of Agriculure

These selections will have a positive influence on the future of agriculture in the U.S., helping end the revolving door between government and corporations and returning the USDA to “The People’s Department” as originally envisioned by President Lincoln.

Now more than ever, it’s important that we continue to work together to help this Administration create positive change. And while we may sometimes disagree, it’s vital that we stay involved to educate leaders and citizens on how important sustainable solutions will be for our collective future.

Now is the time to plant the seeds for a truly sustainable food system for the 21st century. There will be trials ahead, but like all the great challenges in the history of our nation, these challenges will be met with enthusiasm and a spirit of cooperation to achieve a common goal.

At Food Democracy Now!, we firmly believe that a nation that can put a man on the moon will be able to meet the challenges of implementing sustainable practices in agriculture and other endeavors.

Sustainability is the future… It is ours to make together.

Let's put our shoulder to the wheel.

Many Thanks,
Food Democracy Now!

If you’d like to see Food Democracy Now!’s grassroots work continue, please consider donating as little as $10 or $25.

Posted via email from Stephanie Posterizes The Cloud